Malware: Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malicious code with the ability to hijack data from information systems through state-of-the-art cryptographic encryption.

At DarkData, we specialize in the prevention and mitigation of ransomware attacks.

Information about Ransomware

How do ransomware attacks work?
Who are the victims of ransomware?
Are ransomware attacks against businesses growing?
Is it possible to decrypt files encrypted with ransomware?
Should I pay the ransom if I have been infected?

Ransomware Characteristics

There are hundreds of different families of ransomware malware currently. Additionally, some old families are becoming active again due to code modifications made by various criminal groups. Ransomware exists for Microsoft, GNU/Linux, and MAC OS X operating systems, as well as for mobile devices.

Types of Malware

According to the mode of affecting the target system and its characteristics.

Encryption Ransomware

Encrypts files and folders. The original files are deleted after encryption. A lock screen is usually displayed.

Lock Screen Ransomware

System Lock Screen: Affects the system’s screen and displays a payment request. It usually does not encrypt files or folders.

Master Boot Record (MBR) Ransomware

This type of ransomware modifies the system’s Master Boot Record (MBR) to interrupt the system boot.

Mobile Ransomware

It mainly affects the Android operating system. The infection usually originates from downloads of applications from unofficial Android markets.