Technological Fraud
Every company is vulnerable to cases of online technological fraud.
These attacks are often targeted at businesses engaged in business to consumer (B2C) activities. Online stores, betting platforms, pay-per-view services, and any other businesses utilizing online payment methods are susceptible to technological fraud.

Fight Against Fraud
Combatting fraud includes tackling Sure Betting, match-fixing, multiple accounts, bonus abuse, Gnoming, Chip Dumping, and fraudulent payment methods.

Reselling services detection, content distribution blocking, technical support in legal processes.
Corporate brand identity theft, Conducting fraudulent giveaways, coupons, discounts, etc.

Use of stolen or fraudulently obtained payment methods: Blacklists.
Detection of distribution and commercialization of copyright-protected products. Brand surveillance.

Account Takeover
Tracking illegitimate login attempts for signs of fraudulent authorization.
Detecting fraudulent activities carried out by bots and blocking their methodologies.

Fraudulent Accounts
Detection of multiple accounts by the same actor. Low-reputation devices.
User Profiling
Profiling the legitimacy of each user and device. Session Analysis, VPN and TOR detection, etc.